MCCC KIDS - This blog is dedicated to the children of Moshi Christian Childrens Centre (MCCC), a orphanage and community outreach centre in Moshi, Tanzania under the care of Allan & Jacqui McKinnon. On this page you will be kept up to date on the latest news, prayer requests, opinions, projects and of course what's hot and what's not in Moshi! ALLAN & JACQUI ARE SUPPORTED BY GREENVIEW EVANGELICAL CHURCH THROUGH INTERLINK, 29 CANAL STREET, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND, UK

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Freedom from bondage to sin and Satan

Wens and Bibi Japhet chat...

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, says the Bible. It has always been the goal of MCCC ministries to convey news to the people to whom we minister. The initial letters of Moshi Christian Children's Centre also declare the firm conviction that we have about the work that we do and the direction it will follow: "Making Children Count for Christ".
It has been with that goal in mind that we have been doing more work in the community where we can demonstrate very practically and socially the faith that we have in God's power to change lives through Christ and set men and women, boys and girls free from the bondage to sin and Satan which marrs and destroys life.
Bibi Japheth (the grandmother of Calista and her older brother Japheth) had been visited on our community programme many times. It was evident from a number of pointers that she was involved in traditional medicines and witchcraft. On one occasion when Allan and Jacqui visited her home a 'snake' which was more like a 2ft long slow worm, white in colour, was slithering around their feet in the crampt conditions. Allan was about to stamp it to death when she intervened to explain that it was 'their relative' and he had come by to visit for some sustenance! Killing the snake would in her traditional African worldview bring terrible suffering and anguish to the family who were still alive. (These ancestors who reputedly manifest themselves like this are known as 'the living dead'.) Bibi Japheth also used charms and spells with the two children in her care 'to protect them from evil spirits'. Little did she know that interfering in occult and witchcraft practice channels evil spirits and brings harm to the participants - Satan has always been the father of lies and a deceiver.
After the recent GLO meetings, Wens our social welfare officer got the opportunity to speak to her again about these matters. She was most surprised about the dark and evil powers that were truly associated with her superstitions and actions with and on behalf of the children. She was delighted to be told of the protection and authority over evil spirit Jesus has as the son of God. She was keen to understand that the protection that she sought elsewhere was to be found in Jesus alone! She decided to ask the Lord Jesus Christ te become her new Master and protector. Freedom was hers! No longer under a master who is deceitful, sinful and cruel she has found a new joy and peace in a Master who always cares, always protects.
[If you would like to know more about the power and authority of Jesus Christ over the devil and his demonic hosts, please read the truth as we find it in Mark's Gospel in the Bible. Here you will come to understand like Bibi Japheth, just who Jesus really is, then why not write and tell us of your experience.]
Bibi Japhet with Japhet and Calista outside their home.


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