MCCC KIDS - This blog is dedicated to the children of Moshi Christian Childrens Centre (MCCC), a orphanage and community outreach centre in Moshi, Tanzania under the care of Allan & Jacqui McKinnon. On this page you will be kept up to date on the latest news, prayer requests, opinions, projects and of course what's hot and what's not in Moshi! ALLAN & JACQUI ARE SUPPORTED BY GREENVIEW EVANGELICAL CHURCH THROUGH INTERLINK, 29 CANAL STREET, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND, UK

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Christmas Holidays - Wet and Wild

Our annual trip with the children and young people under our care to Dar-es-salaam took place between Christmas and New Year. It was a special event in as much that we had several joining us for the first time on this highly sought after trip. It was also the first time for the older boys from Maranatha House to come with us. The departure day came with much anticipation...

Twenty three of us in total found our way into our 15-seater mini-bus and with the remainder in the Reas' Land Rover which was at our disposal. Luggage kept to a minimum - well you only need your swimming gear (!) - and a few food supplies for the journey and off we went.

Ten hours later, weary and worn we rolled into the Burger Bar for the first treat of the holidays - burger and chips followed by ice cream and soda! Fantastic!

The Davies had kindly agreed to house swap with us again and the excess (the girls from E. House) were seconded out to a guest house nearby. The following days were beach, beach and more beach. Flumes and slides at Waterworld. A visit to our very own desert island - Mbudja, a speed boat trip of ten minutes off the Dar coast. All punctuated by good food, ice cream, photographry sessions and much swimming. We spotted tree climbing crabs on the desert island as big as dinner plate - and we're not exaggerating! Snorkelling for the few who were able was an eye popping experience as they were introduced to the world below the waves. The coral and fish off the coast of our little island were absolutely spectacular.

The evening epilogues were led by our own older young people from Emmanuel and Maranatha house and it was great to hear them share and explain what they knew of their faith in Christ.

The wet of the ocean and pools was accompanied by the wild of the wind and rain on the last day with flooding in Dar-es-salaam that badly damaged one of the bridges we were supposed to use to go home. Long single file traffic in the city cost us two hours addition to our journey home but we praise and thank God for a wonderful holiday.


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